evangelical Free church sign

Evangelical Free Church

In April of 1969, a new ministry began in Wisconsin Rapids simply called The Evangelical Free Church. Through the years the ministry grew as they built upon the core commitments to/of solid Bible teaching and global missions. God continued to bless the ministry and ten years after its birth, the church built its current church building which has since been expanded due to growth. Children’s and youth ministries were developed and a youth pastor was added to the pastoral staff. Much has taken place in the life of this ministry over the last fifty years, including the long tenures of two senior pastors. In 2018 Pastor David Kurek retired after twenty years of serving the church. This marked a season of change for the congregation as it recognized that both the Church and the world had changed significantly; the age of the congregation had changed as well as the needs in the community and culture as a whole. If the church was to remain faithful to Christ and His mission, adapting to these changes would be necessary.

Stonebridge Bible church logo

StoneBridge Bible Church

About the new StoneBridge 2023/2024 refresh. During this season of change, much has taken place in the life of the church. One of the most significant changes took place as we looked at the name of the church itself. The name Evangelical Free Church represented the denomination we belong to, but it didn’t reflect our identity as a church. This began a season of discovery, and what we discovered is that we were doing some things very well, and some things were missing. With much time and prayer, it became clear that the church needed to renew its vision to advance the cause of Christ in the world, but also within our community. As a church, we are committed to building upon the rock-solid foundations of a Christ-centered ministry with a global reach but we are equally committed to growing in our capacity to reach those within our own backyard. As a result of this discovery, the church unanimously agreed to change the name to StoneBridge Bible Church.

friends gathered talking and laughing

Where we are headed

Where do you see things going… At StoneBridge Bible Church it is our mission to build bridges to Christ and to the world next door. We hope and pray that we will be the place where people young and old can call home. To be a place where families can come and belong. To be a church where children can grow, be cherished, and be protected. To be a place that provides biblical truth for those who are thirsty, compassion and care to those who are hurting, and spiritual direction for those who are searching. To be a place where the deep longings of the soul find their solace in the living God as we worship together before His throne. This is the church we desire to be and the church we are committed to becoming. We hope you come join us.