Visit us this Sunday
Whether you’re new to the Christian faith, are unsure about attending church again, or have been a part of faith communities your whole life, you are welcome at StoneBridge. We invite you to attend our Sunday morning gathering at 9:00 AM in person (or engage online through our livestream). We worship from the heart, learn from the scriptures, and enjoy being in community. In total, our time together lasts for about 75 minutes.


Get connected
Whether you’re simply curious, seeking God, or hoping to plug into a community of believers, you’ll find support and encouragement at StoneBridge. We stand firm on the truth of God’s word and extend Grace to all who visit and call StoneBridge home. We offer a pathway to membership that adds a sense of identity and responsibility to those who choose to do so. If you regularly attend and call StoneBridge your home church, we invite you to membership.